用戶界面/用戶體驗(UI / UX)

用戶界面(UI)設計決定了技術產品的外觀; 而用戶體驗(UX)設計旨在改善顧客旅程。企業越來越依賴數字渠道,並迫切需要UI / UX設計人員。此課程通過案例研究,借鑒歷史和現代環境中的多元設計思想,從而闡述UI / UX的行業標準。 學生會將這些見解應用到網頁或應用程序的設計和原型製作中,集中研究電子產品、程式的輔助功能,考慮UI / UX包容性的重要性。
- 從傳統到時尚:借鑒從古代中國、希臘的歷史設計原則到現代設計思維技巧汲取靈感,擴展UI / UX設計的定義
- 將心比心:鼓勵學生設身處地從用戶的角度設計網頁或應用程序;導師將向學生提供UI / UX 的典範實務,使用 Penpot 將其應用於製作設計的原型
- 通用設計:討論無障礙的UI/UX的重要性,並將可達性因素納入學生的設計原型

our proprietary cloud-based learning platform. It is designed to work seamlessly with free creative and development tools in providing support for DECT education.

Provide DECT Professional TTT Training and Support for Teachers

Krystal’s Student Empowerment Programme (SEP) provides students the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to survive in the global digital economy, preparing them for excellence in their future careers.

Krystal OTP includes all the office tools needed to keep daily office tasks running efficiently and economically.

is a comprehensive program designed to equip individuals and citizens with essential digital competencies and soft skills to thrive in the digital economy.