Krita 數碼繪圖微學位證書課程

課程 會先介紹電腦繪圖概念,讓學生明白數碼繪畫和傳統繪畫的相似和相異之處。之後學生會學習電腦繪圖的工具基本使用方法。當學生熟悉工具的使用後,學習基礎人物畫法,便會配合練習去學習完整的繪圖過程,瞭解從草稿到初稿上色,再到完稿的思路和處理重點。
1. 掌握電腦繪圖概念
2. 學會基礎美感能力
3. 學會造型表現能力
4. 掌握繪圖思維及繪圖捉形的能力
5. 學會人物/物件結構觀察的能力
6. 學會場景氛圍表達的能力
7. 學會物件質感表達的能力

our proprietary cloud-based learning platform. It is designed to work seamlessly with free creative and development tools in providing support for DECT education.

Provide DECT Professional TTT Training and Support for Teachers

Krystal’s Student Empowerment Programme (SEP) provides students the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to survive in the global digital economy, preparing them for excellence in their future careers.

Krystal OTP includes all the office tools needed to keep daily office tasks running efficiently and economically.

is a comprehensive program designed to equip individuals and citizens with essential digital competencies and soft skills to thrive in the digital economy.