JavaScript 設計模式

熟識運用 JavaScript 軟件設計模式是需要廣泛處理企業項目的軟件工程師的基本要求之一。設計模式被稱為軟件設 計中解決常見問題的最佳、可重複使用的做法。一些常見的設計模式包括觀察者、模型視圖控制器(MVC)、工廠和單例。了解設計模式能使開發人員寫出漂亮的、結構化的、可維護的 JavaScript 代碼。在本課程中,學生將學習可以應用於生產問題上的設計模式和步驟,並接觸到最新的、最佳的實踐方案。
1. 理解設計模式的結構
2. 了解 JavaScript 的語法和特點
3. 學習不同 JavaScript 設計模式的應用
4. 學習通過技術面試的技巧

our proprietary cloud-based learning platform. It is designed to work seamlessly with free creative and development tools in providing support for DECT education.

Provide DECT Professional TTT Training and Support for Teachers

Krystal’s Student Empowerment Programme (SEP) provides students the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to survive in the global digital economy, preparing them for excellence in their future careers.

Krystal OTP includes all the office tools needed to keep daily office tasks running efficiently and economically.

is a comprehensive program designed to equip individuals and citizens with essential digital competencies and soft skills to thrive in the digital economy.