
企業轉型高級文憑旨在將學生培養成中小企業的數字化轉型官 (DTO)。從該課程畢業的學生將擁有必要的知識、技能、工具和資源,以幫助中小企業對其目前的業務進行數字化轉型,從而使企業能夠更有效地運行並盈利。數字化轉型官是任何辦公室或企業轉型項目中的一個不可或缺的職位。
1. 商業運營簡介
2. 中小企業數字化轉型理論
3. 認識數字化轉型工具
4. 數字化轉型專長
5. 職場實習
6. 本科畢業設計項目
1. 了解基本的商業運作
2. 了解中小企業對數字化轉型的需求
3. 掌握數字化轉型工具--辦公工具、設計工具、ERP工具、BI工具、IT工具和操作系統
4. 在一個或多個數字化轉型專長中獲得專門培訓

our proprietary cloud-based learning platform. It is designed to work seamlessly with free creative and development tools in providing support for DECT education.

Provide DECT Professional TTT Training and Support for Teachers

Krystal’s Student Empowerment Programme (SEP) provides students the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to survive in the global digital economy, preparing them for excellence in their future careers.

Krystal OTP includes all the office tools needed to keep daily office tasks running efficiently and economically.

is a comprehensive program designed to equip individuals and citizens with essential digital competencies and soft skills to thrive in the digital economy.