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CG Animation Production and Pipeline Management

Animation workflow or pipeline is a system consisting of

people, hardware, and software aligned to work in a specific sequential order to do pre-determined tasks in

a pre-determined time frame, which will lead to a 3D animation product or asset as the final output.



Start date: TBC

Location: InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, InnoCentre, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

*A professional certificate* will be awarded by Krystal Institute upon completion of the course.





1) 動畫生產流水線中的前期製作

  1. 創意產生

  2. 故事創作

  3. 腳本寫作

  4. 故事板製作

  5. 動畫製作

  6. 設計

2) 3D動畫製作階段流程

  1. 3D佈局

  2. 3D建模

  3. 3D紋理

  4. 3D綁定

  5. 3D動畫

  6. VFX

  7. 照明

  8. 渲染

3)  3D動畫後期製作流程

  1. 合成

  2. 2D VFX

  3. 色彩校正

  4. 最終輸出



  • 時間管理

  • 預算管理

  • 團隊管理

  • 結構化和標準化


What you will learn

3D animation production pipeline has three main stages:

  1. Pre-production

  2. Production

  3. Post-production

Based on organizational considerations, resources, outcomes, and other factors, each segment of the 3D animation industry uses the three stages a little differently, but the main structure remains intact. The specifics of each project’s pipeline may also be slightly different. However, the three main stages remain the same again


  1. Interested in becoming a 3D animator

Who this course is for:

  1. Producer of the Studio

  2. Management of the Studio

  3. Team Leaders


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