2D & 3D動畫培訓課程
1. 學習動畫的歷史和動畫製作過程
2. 理解2D和3D動畫的製作原理,關鍵幀,時間和間距
3. 學會行走、站立和奔跑等姿勢
4. 學習物件動畫,如駕駛汽車和彈跳的球
5. 理解弧線和預期動作
6. 掌握繪畫工具,如Inkscape和Krita的插圖
7. 掌握動畫工具,如使用Grease Pencil製作2D動畫和使用Blender製作3D動畫
8. 學會自己製作一個簡短的動畫

our proprietary cloud-based learning platform. It is designed to work seamlessly with free creative and development tools in providing support for DECT education.

Provide DECT Professional TTT Training and Support for Teachers

Krystal’s Student Empowerment Programme (SEP) provides students the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to survive in the global digital economy, preparing them for excellence in their future careers.

Krystal OTP includes all the office tools needed to keep daily office tasks running efficiently and economically.

is a comprehensive program designed to equip individuals and citizens with essential digital competencies and soft skills to thrive in the digital economy.