MicroMaster in GIMP/ Inkscape Graphic Editing & Graphic Design Certificate Course
Students will not only learn how to create raster and vector graphics using the open source applications GIMP and Inkscape, but also comprehend how to use images to communicate information.
Starting from the basics of vector and raster graphics, the course will gradually deliver related graphic design knowledge in greater depth. Initially, students will learn the introductory concepts of graphic design and the basic techniques of using GIMP and Inkscape. Afterwards, the course will move on to advanced image editing techniques such as color science, text and typography, graphic composition and logo design, as well as methods of converting images to NFT.
Overall, the course emphasizes both theory and practice, allowing students to grasp the unique design styles and characteristics of different eras while mastering the production methods of various types of illustrations, advertisements, web pages and book covers. Ultimately, students will be able to create their own portfolios upon course completion.
(We aim to create a harmonious classroom atmosphere with close student-teacher interaction. Our instructors will walk students through several creative media production tasks, and answer students' questions on the spot. Each task is accompanied by an assignment that students are required to complete on their own, and our instructors will use these assignments to assess how well students have mastered the subject material after class. By the end of the course, each student/group should be able to work independently on their creative media projects using Inkscape and GIMP.)
Learning Outcomes
1. Learn the basic functions and effects of Inkscape and GIMP
2. Learn about vector graphics processing and the application of digital images, and post-processing related knowledge
3. Students will be able to develop their own design style and create a personalized and outstanding layout portfolio through the course
4. Learn the latest market dynamics of Metaverse and NFT, and learn NFT production methods
我們專有的網上學習平台,並與免費的創意和生產工具無縫協作,為 DECT 教育即時提供作業和學習材料管理、遠端協作、分析等功能,滿足不同使用者的學術及管理需求。
培訓專業教師計劃是維持數譜生態系統的基石。這是一個可擴展的專業發展模式,當中全面的 DECT 內容和學習管理系統可分別為教師提供相關支持。
學生展才計劃為學生提供在全球數字經濟中不可或缺的知識、技能和工具, 有助學生掌握在未來世界中出類拔萃的生存技能,脫穎而出。
Krystal OTP 包含所有辦公室軟件,有效提升日常工作效率和減輕營運成本,為當今多元化 的業務營運需求提供了完善解決方案。
一項綜合計劃,旨在為個人 和公⺠提供必要的數字能力和軟技能,以便在數字經濟中生存。為了在數字時代保持競爭力和繁榮,各國需要為其公⺠提供必要的知識、技能和工具。